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Loot Item
Category Handguns
Shop price 7 vm
Inventory slots 2
Ammo APB Mag
Damage 1300
Range 10 - 180
Headshots Range 50
Sound Range 28
Firing Rate 158 / min

The APB SD is a military item in MTA DayZ.

Damage of this weapon depends on distance to target, body part that was hit. Maximum range is 10 (distance units). Maximum damage without boosters is 1300 (blood).

Maxmimum range for headshots is 50 (it means that if target is farther away then it will not die instantly on headshot, maximum damage will be applied).

Read more about damage system - here.

Where to find

Most loot places with APB SD located in Stalker County (99%). Other places in Flint County (0.7%).

Spawn chances table:

Place Chance
Stalker (random) 9%
Military stalker (medium) 9%
Military stalker (light) 7%
Military stalker (very high) 5%
Military stalker (high) 5%

Available actions

Action Description
Equip Secondary Weapon This item can be equipped by double-click (or via context menu) in Inventory.
Note:It appears in the player's hand.
Make a suicide Make a suicide